Lily // First Birthday
Birthdays are always special, but for a military family birthdays can sometimes be a lonely event. Dayton is a military town; families come and go and many people in Dayton are only here for a season and then move on, but with that comes the realization that most people in Dayton are not close to family. This is true for the Specht Family. Amber and Jeremiah are currently based at Wright Patterson Air Force Base here in Dayton and because of that, time with family is not as easy to come by. However, with their daughter Lily turning one they wanted to make her birthday a true celebration and they did! Lily got to celebrate her first birthday with all the Grandparents and her aunts. Amber and Jeremiah put a lot of effort in to making her first birthday something to remember and it was my honor to photograph the beautiful event.
Happy Birthday Lily!!