Jon and Angela // Anniversary
I can't believe I have already been married for four years. It feels like just yesterday when I was putting on my wedding dress getting ready to see my groom for the first time. Don't get me wrong it has not always been easy but it it has all been worth it.
Jon and I met when I was a freshman in college, we were put on the same team by a mutual friend for a 24 hour scavenger hunt (Redhawk Hunt). He was this super goofy guy who honestly didn't really make a huge impression on me. Over the course of the next two years, we randomly spent more and more time together. Not so much by choice or really even planning; he was friends with my friend and my friends were friends with his roommates, so consequently we saw each other often. I remember sleeping on his couch while my friends were watching football at his apartment, and I remember watching him play racket ball but I am to this day not sure why I was there... I remember our bible studies having dinner together, but during this time he was just Jon, just this goofball of a guy.
Until one day it was like a light switch went off. I remember we were at Cru at Kumler Chapel at Miami University and Jon and I had a conversation, like we had a million times, and as I left I looked at one of my friends and told her "I don't remember Jon Jekeli being so cute." and she stopped dead in the tracks. And over the next couple of weeks that thought continued to grow. Then on Halloween of 2010, as I like to say i "blew some leaves into Jon's yard"; I wanted to make him aware I was interested and see if he would make a move, so we talked at the party but when I noticed he left I texted him. Later I found out Jon's reaction was "she noticed".
So over the next few months we were a little more intentional when we saw each other; we made Walmart runs together, we hung out when our friends were hanging out and eventually he began teaching me how to swing dance. Then in November, after Jon had been teaching me to dance for about a month we entered a swing dance competition ( we also did some partner swapping as Jon had already told someone he would do it with them) and we WON! With the win in our pockets, Jon decided this was a good time to ask me on our first date, because how could I say no after we just won together.
About a week later Jon and I went on our first date. We went to our favorite Mexican place in Oxford. And from there there was no looking back. Jon and I had our DTR (Define the relationship) in December of 2010 when he asked me to be his girlfriend and I happily said yes.
Jon and I dated for about a year, Jon proposed in October of 2011 and we got married in May 2012. Over the course of our relationship there have been up's and down's but I have never questioned my choice to marry Jon. He is my perfect provision, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I got married but I am glad that it was Jon I was saying "I DO" too.
Cheers to us Jon, thanks for 4 incredible years, thanks for pushing me toward Christ. Thank you for encouraging me in my job and my dreams. Thanks for dancing with me when my soul is anxious. Thank you for loving me as your bride. I love you, heres to 50+ more years.